Monday, May 14, 2018

Good words

most of us only know the world we are born into

paragon - a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality

parochialism - limited or narrow outlook, especially focused on a local area; narrow-mindedness

provincialism - concern for one's own area or region at the expense of national or supranational unity

Sunday, April 16, 2017

mod. poem1 Vanish

Paul Glottaman "Praise my altruism."
I have waited my entire life
to disappear when a truck rolls
by in front of me.
One day I will vanish.
I'll be gone and no one will
ever know of my exploits after
my stage exit. No one will ever know
because when the truck is gone
so will I be.

I want to fix this small world
we share. Dig out all of it's tiny
problems and overblown drama.
Work so hard to help, educated help.
Thanks, doing the right thing.
Praise the altruism.

But the truck already rolled by.
No one will ever know.
The job will be done.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Unique word in both

The dew rose and turned to golden mist, thin as dream, enveloping them until they seemed gossamer relics of the late night, infinitely transient and already fading.
-- F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Offshore Pirate," Flappersand Philosophers 1920
The silken hair, too, had suffered to grow all unheeded, and as, in its wild gossamer  texture, it floated rather than fell about the face, I could not,even with effort, connect its Arabesque 
expression with any idea of simple humanity.
-- Edgar Allan Poe, "The Fall of the House of Usher,"Burton's Gentleman's Magazine 1839

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Foremost, I mean this with respect. It is challenging phrasing something on disrespecting someone else without upsetting the main person, in my two cents, the chief causes.
When something falls, breaks, accept it as something that happens. Some swear, some complain, but others determine—from reason: first, what to do at the moment; second, how to prevent or lessen it happening again. Things will hit the fan; things will be misunderstood; little things will occur. Ultimately, bad things happen. The error is not in why, how or even that it still is happening; it is when we dwell on it. Besides, it is annoying repeatedly bringing it up. Accept that it fell. Move on.
Are there better things to discuss than the faults of others? That is easy. There are less shitty simpler minded topics to talk about: There are experiences, aspirations, funny personal quirks about yourself, etc. (Read somewhere, the best truly funny people make jokes about themselves—not others behind their back.) Anyway, the point is that there are better options, and there are also different options that can still bridge empathy, understanding and comradely.
Why do I care? When others complain, incessantly, about how someone else is not perfect for their job to other colleagues, that coworker has an ever bigger trouble. And down the line, I will have more on my plate than what should be. It may not be much more; I really don’t care. Except, words have affected her. Most gossip is useless.

The only meaningful question here is, will you change; will she change? Else, can you list three ways that loosely discrediting her will benefit anything? 

Should clean up the high-horse tone, the diction needs to best suit its audience, the length to something short, and what else?
Wrote this off of trying to write an introduction about being a Stoic. It has been circling my mind for a while. 
Though, this colleague will not get this message, it is a starting point for when this issue comes up again. It will happen. Expect it; do not necessarily accepting it.